Privacy policy.

Woven Nest Theatre Privacy Policy

Updated April 2021

Woven Nest Theatre is committed to collecting and storing personal data in a safe, lawful and transparent manner in line with the Data Protection Act (1998), the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (2003) and as of the 25th of May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679).

This Privacy Policy gives you detailed information on why and when Woven Nest Theatre collects your personal information, how it is used, how it is kept secure, and how you can let Woven Nest Theatre know if you would like your personal data to be amended or change how it is managed. Your personal data is yours, and Woven Nest Theatre wants you to be confident that your personal data is used responsibly, and that you can tell Woven Nest Theatre to stop using it if you want.

Woven Nest Theatre regularly reviews and updates this privacy policy to reflect changes in its services, feedback from you, and to comply with changes to the law. When this privacy policy is changed, the last updated date at the top of this document will be revised.

Further information on data protection regulations and laws can be found here:

Why We Collect Personal Data

Woven Nest Theatre only collects and processes personal data when it’s necessary to carry out the business aims and deliver charitable public benefit objectives.

Woven Nest Theatre may collect and process personal data to:

  • Provide a service you have requested as a participant

  • To ensure the safety and well-being of our participants during our projects

  • To gain permission for children aged under 16 to participate in projects from parents

  • Inform you of events or updates if you have asked us for this.

  • Keep a record of business-related communications.

  • To enter into a contract of employment with an individual

  • To send fundraising information to our audiences

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

We may collect and retain information which provides information about you that can be used to identify you.

The type of personal data that we collect and how it is used depends on where and when it is gathered.

Information provided by you:

  • When you ask to subscribe to our email newsletter we will collect your email address.

  • When you send an email toWoven Nest Theatre, we will keep your email address for correspondence.

  • We collect information from feedback forms, both hard copy and online.

  • As a participant we will collect your name, date of birth, emergency contact details, access needs and relevant medical history, allergies or food intolerances for your well-being and/or in order to report our work to funders.

This is not an exhaustive list and we may retain different types of information for different individuals based on the service we are providing.

How We Collect, Store and Use Personal Data

Generally, we collect your information when you decide to interact with us. Here are the ways we collect personal data:

  • When you attend a workshop or similar activity related to a project.

  • When you complete a feedback form and send it back to us.

  • When you send an email to us.

  • If you attend a fundraising event

  • When you visit Woven Nest Theatre’s main website or other Woven Nest Theatre microsites we use cookies to help make your experience of it better, and to understand how people interact with it. When you visit these websites, Woven Nest Theatre’s web server automatically records your public internet protocol (IP) address and generates a log file.

At the time when the data is collected (e.g. when an individual joins the mailing list, attends a workshop, purchases a creative package and fills in a form etc.) the individual will be provided with a privacy notice.

Woven Nest Theatre;

  • Will only request information that is necessary for the purposes of the project or transaction.

  • Will not share data with any other parties unless expressly outlined in the privacy notice.

  • Will store information for different lengths of time, depending on the needs of the project or activity. This will be outlined in each privacy notice.

  • Will securely store data using third party online database and file storage service, which is password protected and encrypted. Access to these files is limited to certain members of management and administration.

  • Will monitor when data needs to be renewed or removed from our system in line with the length of time set out in the privacy policies.

  • May share information about individuals with law enforcement agencies and other organisations or individuals if required to by law.

You are entitled to choose not to give us certain information, although this may limit the level of our services that we are able to offer.

The rights of the individual

Individuals who Woven Nest Theatre holds data on have the right to:

  • Ask what information the company holds about them and why

  • Ask how to gain access to it

  • Be informed how to keep it up to date

  • Be informed how the company is meeting its data protection obligations

Your Choices

We want it to be easy for you to access and amend the personal information that we hold on you, or request that we stop contacting you. If you would like to see what information we hold about you, you can request full details of personal information we hold about you under The General Data Protection Regulation (2018) by contacting the Data Protection Officer on Please send a description of the information you would like to see, together with proof of your identity to Woven Nest Theatre’s Data Protection Officer.

For more information please contact us.